Nollywood actress, Tonto Dikeh has sounded a passionate appeal for young girls to be taught how to make serious money and not the relationship tip and advice they get every day from so-called relationship experts.
She entreated women to change their mentality of always depending on a man to make ends meet for them. She also noted that women should not throw all their monies away in the name of impressing other people as they should strive to save the little amount they can put their hands on.
She took to Instagram to post a lengthy post advising young girls to work hard and forget about people helping them.
“Please Teach young girls to make money, not every day relationship advice
(It’s becoming sickening)
Chasing after a rich man is not an achievement..
Don’t get me wrong,Having a rich man by your side to support your OBVIOUS hard work is not a sin.
But there are some Extremely lazy girls/women who just feel that a man most be a success ticket..
Some women will have 1million and buy kayamata for 900k and then still cry economy bad..
Women who don’t believe in themselves to amount to nothing unless thru. A man or aphrodisiac
#Success seeks success
just like we women are attracted to successful men so are men attracted to successful women..
Sisterly leave kayamata, Work, Pray and be a BOSS He too can be proud of..TEACH THEM HOW TO ATTRACT MILLIONS NOT JUST men.
Dear young girls there are still women out there conquering the world on their Own..
There is Pride in been your Own success!!”
See post below:
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