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MV5BODA4YWI3MWMtMjRmYS00OWU3LTlkNTktOWJiMjI0Nzk3Njk3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTI1NDEyNTM5. V1 QL75 UX380 CR0,16,380,562

Sabhaapathy (Santhanam) suffers from stammering, which makes it difficult for him to attend employment interviews. His father Ganapathy (MS Bhaskar) forces him to apply for job interviews because he has retired and it is time for his son to take over the family business. When Sabhaapathy’s position becomes too much for him, fate decides to play a game with him. When a bag containing money arrives, he decides to keep it safe at his home. However, fate throws a curveball in the game by causing him to lose the case. The rest of the plot revolves around how the suitcase full of money disappeared from his house and if Sabhaapathy was able to find work in the end.

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